Premier Coverage For Every Type of Vehicle

Motorcycle Insurance:

Often, motorcycle owners opt for the most basic coverage they can find for their bikes. They feel that the damage from their smaller vehicles wouldn’t be as extensive as with a full car, truck, or SUV.


Truth is, they’re wrong. Motorcycles can do equal amounts of damage to their owners, other motorists, and other passengers, and warrant the same types of coverage!


However, that coverage can be complex and different from standard vehicle insurance. You need the knowledgeable, experienced professionals from Edsall Insurance to explain all of the options available to you as a motorcycle owner. We’ll work hard to get you the coverage that matches your usage, budget, and lifestyle, in the best ways possible. 

Recreational Vehicle Insurance:

A recreational vehicle is fun to own, but it’s also a costly investment. Why wouldn’t you protect that investment against accident or mishap with the best insurance available?


Here at Edsall Insurance, we know you would. That’s why we offer everything you need to find the recreational vehicle coverage you want to truly enjoy your ride!


We’ll sit down with you to discuss your budget, your needs, the number of vehicles you own, and all of your insurance options. Together, we’ll discern the best fit for you from our expansive resources and offer a customized insurance plan that keeps you covered for life.


Edsall offers insurance coverage for a variety of vehicles, including:

  • Golf Carts
  • Boats
  • Collision
  • Medical
  • Snowmobiles
  • Injury Liability
  • ATVs
  • RVs
  • Trailers
  • Dirt Bikes
  • Off road vehicles
  • Jet Skis
  • And more…


For more information about our supplemental vehicle insurance, or to schedule your FREE insurance consultation with us, feel free to give Edsall a call at (973) 827-8888.


* Serving Clients throughout all of New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania.